Achieving Your Dreams Comes at a Sacrifice

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At the end of the movie, Mia and Sebastian were eventually achieved their dreams, but at a cost. The two sacrificed their relationship in lieu of actually achieving what they wanted in life. And what is the most interesting thing about the film is it leaves it up to the audience whether this is a sad or happy ending. We see their relationship dwindle when Mia gains success.

While some may say it’s disappointed to see Mia with a husband that is not Sebastian. Yea! It is clearly upsetting that Mia and Sebastian didn’t end up together in the end, but were the characters truly unhappy? Did Mia or Sebastian regret their choice? Do dreams and goals trump love? I believe it’s realistic and touching.

People often wonder, “Why didn’t he just go to Paris with her?”, but it is because he chose his dream over her. He stayed in Los Angeles and worked to achieve his dream. While this seems like a selfish decision, Mia basically did the same thing by moving away and not staying with him.

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Could they have worked harder to make it work? Maybe. But as Sebastian said in one of their final scenes, “When you get this, you’re going to have to give it your all”. The two of them would’ve most likely never had the time to commit to a long distance relationship while at the same time committing themselves to their dreams.

People come and go throughout our lives. Some may stay for one season, others for many. It’s important to remember the impact they put on our lives, even if they don’t stay forever.

” Don’t regret things from the past; instead, appreciate and living in the moment itself ! “

Nothing is wasted if it has impacted us in some way, and we should never look back into our lives and feel regret.

Mia and Sebastian both carried out their dreams and lived their lives with spontaneity, happiness, and love, and I feel that we should all do the same.