Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

“Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone in order to follow your dreams”

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In the very first scene including the song and dance number “Another Day of Sun”, it is apparent that the amount of talent in Los Angeles is very high. Mia and Sebastian, two individuals in the midst of the traffic, have goals of making it in the business, whether it is through acting or jazz. But there is no possibly way for someone to reach their goals if they do not put themselves out there.

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In the middle of the film, Mia decides to take a risk with writing her own one-woman show while Sebastian joins a more modernized jazz band. Both of these things are not exactly what they imagined doing, but it puts themselves in the right direction for pursuing their dreams.

To follow your dreams and ultimately accomplish them, you need to make yourself stand out. Don’t just be someone in the crowd; have your voice be heard. If you have a passion for something, make others know it.

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