Image result for la la land

After having watched La La Land this week, I’d like to set some things straight regarding La La Land.

It’s a great movie and I would like to rate it with 7/10.

BelowΒ are the five reasons it deserves for :

  • On one level, it’s a witty, warm and touching story about two likable idealists struggling against cold reality. Faced with repeated disappointment, failure and humiliation, they waver but keep pursuing their dreams. On a deeper level, the movie is about the need to keep fighting for what you passionately believe in. That’s a theme for all of us.

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  • It’s a beautiful tribute to Hollywood movies and their spiritual home in Los Angeles but it also wittily plays off the industry’s artificiality, cynicism and vanity.

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  • If you want to see how well music can be woven into the storytelling and deepen the emotion, watch La La Land. Two pieces – the melancholy theme that Gosling plays on the piano and the song City of Stars are established early then keep coming back in different guises.

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  • It doesn’t matter that Gosling and Stone can’t dance like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers or sing like Hugh Jackman and Julie Andrews. They are terrific actors whose performances are funny, human and moving. Give me actors over great hoofers who can’t act any day.
  • After watching the final scene which Mia and Sebastian exchange one final smile after five years,Β I quickly remembered why movies matter. We need warm optimistic films like La La Land that remind us that, no matter how bleak things seem, we can get through hard times and triumph. To steal a line from a friend, if you don’t like La La Land, you must have been dropped on your heart as a child.

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