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Those people who enjoy romance, particularly the women between the ages of 16 to 50 would like La La Land.

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Although the first musical number represents the fact that this film is, in fact, a musical, it does not exactly follows the codes and conventions of a typical romance film. However, further throughout the film, almost every song is soft, jazzy and romantic,perfectly fitting of the genre. The songs “City of Stars” and “A Lovely Night” successfully combine the romantic theme and the fact that it is a musical, as these are both romantic songs which can be clearly be told through the lyrics, both songs telling the story of what is happening with Mia and Sebastian through flirtatiously sweet lyrics, and to top it all of, the characters themselves actually perform the song which further shows that this is a romance musical.

These are not the only songs that give a romantic feeling to the film though. the piano piece named “Mia and Sebastian Theme” has no lyrics and only consists of piano playing, and it it played continuously throughout the film, mainly during important moments between Mia and Sebastian. This piece follows the codes and conventions of the genre as the piano piece is soft and romantic but also makes the viewer feel more included and connected within Mia and Sebastian’s relationship as the piece of music is an important part of their relationship as Sebastian played it when they first met, and the viewer is present for it playing throughout their relationship.

Image result for la la land Mia and Sebastian fight

They would enjoy seeing love betweenΒ Mia and Sebastian as it contains the two main characters who fall in love; yet it shows how the both loved each other so much that they could both go and achieve their dreams with each other’s support although it was impossible for them to do it together. Like a typical romance film, both of these characters fight and split over an argument to come back together, but they did not end up together due to the essentially they wanted the best for one another even if it meant they could not be together.

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Again, the music was soft and romantic in almost every song after Mia had met Sebastian, following the codes and conventions of the romance genre as it reflects the gentle intimacy within the relationship.

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