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There was a man turns down a one way street and backs out with a truck driving toward him. A man smacks another man on the shoulders after he dances with the first man’s wife during a song and dance number. Sebastian was honks his car horn angrily and scowls at Mia in another car as he passes her on the road.

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Mia and Sebastian were yell at each other and argue about chasing dreams and selling out. MiaΒ cries in character during an audition. We hear a story about a woman jumping into the Seine river.

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Image result for la la land mia and sebastian fight gif

A smoke alarm sounds when a soufflΓ© burns. Two men move on a bicycle and a skateboard respectively through parked cars in a traffic jam, jumping from cement walls to car hoods.

Image result for la la land smoke alarm sounds when a soufflΓ© burns