You Don’t Always End Up With Your Soulmate

“Life is not a classic Hollywood movie”

A lot of controversy surrounds what the ending scene meant. To me, the final scene was interpreted to be what would’ve happened in classic Hollywood. The pair would’ve ended up together in cinematic splendor and they would’ve danced off to their happy ending in a wave of music.

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In the final “fantasy” scene, Mia and Sebastian is painted from beginning to end if everything would’ve ended up perfectly. From the very beginning, Sebastian kisses Mia after being fired and the two go on to continue a perfect, happy relationship with no conflicts. Mia still gets to achieve her dream and be with the love of her life.

Filme "La La Land", com Emma Stone e Ryan Gosling: e esse casal?

La La Land pulls at your heartstrings in the final scene where Mia and Sebastian glance at each other and exchange one final smile, five years after admitting that they will always love each other. The fantasy scene is what would’ve happened in a classic Hollywood film.


It is clear that Mia and Sebastian are made for each other. Their chemistry is undeniable and their love story is one that is unlike any other. They truly are perfect for each other, but unfortunately, they do not end up together.

This lesson is not really a lesson that can be learned as much as a powerful and tragic insight into the reality of life. People don’t always end up with who they’re meant to be, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re unhappy. Mia and Sebastian both achieve their dreams and are happy with what they’ve achieved, and Mia is evidently happy with her husband and shows unconditional love for her child.

La La Land shows us how love can happen and be incredible, but it does not always last forever. Mia’s and Sebastian’s love was true and unlike any other, but it only existed for a part of their lives. Was that the outcome that the two wanted? Are they truly happy in their lives now? We will never truly know. All that is for certain is that Mia and Sebastian exchanged one final smile in the last scene to mutually express their lasting feelings for each other.

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Life isn’tΒ a movie, and we don’t always get what we want. Mia and Sebastian found their happiness in achieving their dreams, but they lost something else in the process.Β Things that are meant to be won’t be and not everything will be tied up with a bow at the end. Dreams come at a sacrifice and life doesn’t always work the way we want it to. Whether that be for some magical reason or just because life is truly unfair, we can’t have everything.

” We have to be happy and find solace in the things that we do have rather than the things that we can’t.”